Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A case of lac caprinum

This case I had taken when I was in second yrs of B.H.M.S, totally new method of Dr .Rajan Sankaran, Considering the delusion, sensation & the energy level of the patient.

A male of 20 yrs. on 15 January 2004, Religion Hindu- mang, He is student of homoeopathy& he was my colleague also. He was diagnosed as a case of ASTHMA 1 yrs ago, on inhalers.

Q: what is your complaint?
A: I have CHOCKING & SOFFOCATING feeling. I feel there is no air & I can’t breathe.
Q: tell me more about your feeling?
A: I feel as if glass is put kept over inverted over the lighted candle, the way the candle extinguishes due to lack of oxygen, because fire require oxygen to burn,
To the suffocated sensation of Nanny (female goat)& Billy (the male goat) when she/ he put his/ her mouth in the narrow vessel while drinking water. They introduce their mouth easily but not able to remove. (Here he gave some gesture with making fist of his hand)
My complaint began with coryza when I drank cold water that was hard (boring water is quite hard)
Q: when do your complaints aggravated?
A; they < by lying on back, drinking cold water, eating cold food& while talking cough aggravates, damp & cloudy whether.
Q: when do you get better?
A: in open air.
Q: what else?
A: I get rattling& barking like dog while coughing.
Q: tell what is rattling & barking.
A: I have difficulty in respiring. When blood comes from heart to lungs, which is impure, it gets pure in the lungs & it goes back to heart. When O2 taken by the blood & carbon dioxide given out. But I require more O2. That sound comes. (Rattling& barking)
Q: tell me more about blocking & suffocation?
A: I feel like there is some weight on my chest which causes suffocation & it > by open air.
(Here I stopped asking question about his complaints. I ask him about his dreams)
Q: Tell me about your sleep & dreams?
A: Dreams of goddess & my family.
Q: Tell me about dream of goddess?
A: I had dreamt of visiting many religious places specially my goddess ‘Bhavani manta’ but I dreamt it happen later in reality.
Q: Tell me more about Bhavani Mata?
A: My family is religious about Bhavani Mata. We all fast for her. She helps to overcome our plight & grief. We in turn offer essence sticks, coconut. We offer her goats (male goat, Billy). Kill it in front of her as a superstition.
Q: Dreams of anything like ANIMALS?
A: yes, I had dreamt of Cobra snake & it is chocolate in colour, but only once not frequently.
Q: which season do you like?
A: I like winter most because I feel fresh. I like go to cold places.
Q: why?
A: Summer heat irritates me & at that time I want go under shade of trees, especially in the field of mountains & hills.
Q: Which diets you take mostly?
A: I eat more vegetables like cauliflower, potato, bitter gourd, fenugreek, bean pods, & non vegetable like eggs & meat (especially goat meat)
Q: tell me about the things you don’t like?
A: I like goat milk which is fresh one, but my grand father told me never take goat’s milk. (Here is desire for goat milk but his grand father advice he never took the goat milk). He told me when I was child since then I never took the goat milk. Other milk nauseates me. I vomit after taking other milk & milk products & it also < my complaints.
Q: tell about your Sexual feeling?
A: People ogle at girls so I have same attitude towards them. I get attracted by their dress, their nature, walking etc. some people having sexual desire they try to get intercourse with them. I don’t have control on my desire. Some people see sexy pictures & films that’s why they do not have control over their sexual desire. I also do the same. I have habit of masturbation & weakness follows. (This question I had asked after reading Dr, Sankaran’s ‘Proving’ later)

I had tried this method of case taking from Rajan Sankaran’s seminar held on 16 January 2003.There I had learnt that ‘Depth of Homoeopathy’, the patient himself guide us the source of Drug where the Energy he get from.

While taking the case I observe that he was looking like Goat i.e. Billy. Most interesting thing was that he was dark complexion, he cough like goat, he is very restless, and he walks like goat, take long walk after night meal, small beard on the chin like the goat.
Following points that I had seen in patient that lead me to think over the goat as follows,

1. Taking in to account his peculiar Delusion, which he explained as an example as that goat’s mouth stuck in narrow vessel unable to remove it & had suffocating feeling.
2. There is a reference of Bhavani Mata. But he said it an offence & it is superstition.
3. His desire to go on hills, mountains, green areas, where there is no heat of Sun. His desire for shade in summer.
4. His sexual desire that of goat. In India goats are found in herd, there is only one Billy (male goat).Every Nanny bears child from one Billy. The Billy is always behind Nanny in order to intercourse with them.
5. His avoidance of goat milk on his grand father advice & his Desire for goat meat especially for goat meat & all vegetables likes him like that of goat.
6. So I come to conclusion that the patient is male goat (Billy). He gets energy from GOAT.

Considering all above points I got the idea of any drug prepared from goat’s milk. But I did not any idea whether there is such a drug. I searches over different Materia Medica, but couldn’t found. Later with the help of Dr. Prasad Rasal we search over different sites of internet, where we found proving of Lac- Caprinum & also in Sankaran’s ‘Proving’
After reading the matter of ‘PROVING’ I asked some more questions, like which colour do you like & which music do you prefers. & the answers was surprising, it was colour green & old music.

Now the question was to find the POTENCY OF THE DRUGS. We failed to find it in Pharmacies we known. So we decided to prepare potency with hand by Hahnemannian method of CENTICIMAL SCALE. Then we came to know &realise that how much effort Hahnemann took to introduce Homoeopathy to the world.
One more observation of mine was villages in India goat’s fresh milk in its crude form is used as a drug for ASTHMA& the urine for PNEUMONIA. Especially in Hindu- mang community people, they rear the goats so the patient was very close to goats from childhood. They rear the goat for milk & kill them for meat & offer to Bhavani-Mata.


Fats: 4.5 gm Protein: 3.3gm
Lactose: 4.6gm Calcium: 170mg
Potassium: 160mg Magnesium: 80mg
Cobalt: 150mg Phosphorus: 1090mg
Copper; 110mg Iodine: 122mg
Iron: 0.3mg Vitamin C: 1mg
Minerals: 0.8mg Water: 86.8gm
Energy: 72 kcal.

The prepared potency of Lac – Caprinum 30 one dose was given on 3 February 2004. When the potency was given the whether was damp & cloudy. To my astonishment he didn’t get any complaints of Asthma up to 4 days.


On 16 February 2004,

No dyspnoea, he was free from chocking & suffocating feeling, had sound sleep, with no dreams.
He craves for goats milk& other milk products. He started drinking one- one & half litres/day.

On 1 march 2004,

No complaints up to 100% better.
Desire for milk +++,
His sexual thoughts improves, mix with girls very easily,
Masturbation habit completely went,
Studied well & passed 1 st yrs B.h.m.s & started believing on homoeopathy.

1 yrs later he suffered from Herpes zoster, complaints was totally went & he stopped offering goat to Bhavani Mata.
Appeare in NJH ISSUE

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