Monday, February 21, 2011

Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis

.Sweaty palms and soles or palmoplantar hyperhidrosis is part of a specific disease entity known as primary focal hyperhidrosis which includes, in addition to palmoplantar hyperhidrosis, axillary hyperhidrosis and hyperhidrosis of face and scalp (cranio-facial hyperhidrosis). The causes and negative effects of these primary focal hyperhidrosis are similar.

What is Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis?

When excessive sweating occurs in both palms without any apparent cause and remains for more than six months, it is known as palmar hyperhidrosis. The same occurrence on the soles is known by the name plantar hyperhidrosis. As both occur simultaneously in individuals and the treatment modalities are almost similar, both are considered together as palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. Some call it sweaty hands and feet, but ‘sweaty palms and soles’ is more accurate as the sweating occurs only on the palmar and plantar (sole) sides. The sweating occurs on both sides and disappears during sleep. Sweaty palms and soles may be accompanied by sweaty armpits or axillary hyperhidrosis and sweating on the face and scalp.

What is the Cause of Sweaty Palms and Soles?

The exact cause of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis is not known. Experts believe that a familial tendency of the sweat glands to over react to stimulation by the autonomic nervous system is the main underlying cause for the sweaty palms and soles. Though stress may increase the sweating, palmoplantar hyperhidrosis is different from the emotional sweating of the forehead and clammy hands.

Here homoeopathy plays very important role for palmoplantar hyperhydrosis. Removing the heridetory tendencies. Homoeopathy treat the cause behind it. Because sweating hand and sole almost irrritating to us along with smelling.